Friday, August 31, 2012

10 Reasons to Adopt the Cloud

It seems like everyone is talking about the cloud these days.  Here's 10 reasons why you should start listening, and how adopting the cloud can help you:

Save Money:  Do we have your attention yet?  Adopting a cloud solution can not only save on software licensing costs, but it frees up your IT resources (staff, servers, etc.) thus creating savings for your bottom line.
Ease of Access:  Personnel can be more efficient if they can access information from anywhere.  With the cloud, they are no longer tied to their desktop computer, but can retrieve data using their home computer, laptop, tablet, or even smartphone.   
Updates: Imagine having all of your version upgrades and software updates completed automatically, regardless of the workstation or the user. Yeah, it's kind of like that.  
Backup: While data stored locally needs to be backed up occasionally, storing in the cloud provides its own backup.  No more worrying about servers or computers crashing and losing data.     
Security:  While cloud solutions have differing security levels, at a minimum they require authentication via username and password.  In many instances, that is more than what is currently being utilized.      
Ease of Use:  Ever used software that wasn't user-friendly?  With the wide adoption of the internet, people in general are familiar with navigating websites and finding information. 
Simplification:  Cloud-based solutions can help eliminate the need for multiple systems and add a little simplicity for you and your organization.
Flexibility: Cloud computing has provided more flexibility than other computing methods.  It can help organizations adapt quickly in an ever-changing business climate.
Increased Storage: Digital storage is cheaper than it's ever been.  Gigabytes and terabytes are typically cheaper in the cloud than paying for and maintaining that data locally.    
IT Focus: Once the IT Department experiences more freedom from troubleshooting, updates, and other computing issues, they can focus on other needs, such as innovation.  

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